Welcome to Web Kmeans

Web K-means is a web application that can help you specify the k value of k-means clustering by utilizing the elbow method

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App features

Elbow method

K-means is a data clustering algorithm. The main drawback is that the user must specify the number (k) of the clusters that the algorithm will "discover". However, the user may not advance the specific number, and if the algorithm is run with a different value of k, completely different clusters will be discovered. One way to specify the parameter value is the Elbow method.

Cluster assignment

K-means clustering is a method that aims to partition n data points into k clusters in which each data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.

# Gender Age Income Cluster
1 Male 48 1000 2
2 Male 33 1500 3
3 Female 29 2000 3
4 Male 52 3500 1
5 Female 41 2200 2
6 Female 39 1800 2